Your Daily Word Prompt – #Plump- #YDWordPrompt October 23 2023

Copy of Copy of August 2023

Daily Prompts – Words and Images

To participate in This Daily Prompt, simply a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt. It can be words, images, anything that you like. Put the link (listed below) in your post to create the automatic pingback. You can leave a link to your post in the comments if you wish.   

Today’s Word: Plump

Here is the URL link you can copy to your post:

This prompt will be mostly unmoderated, be courteous to other bloggers.

Please mark any posts NSFW 18+ if applicable.

To report any inappropriate content or comments, or to report issues with the daily post please contact me directly via Twitter @SLMumby1

Hurtful, hostile, or bullying comments will be removed.
